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Posts by master 82 results

Rib Eye Steak. Sous Vide. Recipe.

I put some thoughts together on what makes sous vide cooking exceptional specifically when it comes to steaks. This steak goes well with oven fried sweet potatoes, asparagus under Sous Vide Hollandaise foam out of  iSi siphon. To make the dinner complete -  begin with Pressure Cooked Carrot or Squash or Leek/Onion soup.  Enjoy. Eat Well. Be Grateful and fuck daily.

A Treat All Fine Ladies and Expensive Hookers Can’t Equally Resist.

There is enough already written about foie gras on various cooking websites. I should not add anything but I like to type. I discovered foie gras by a word of mouth from two sources - a foodie who made a statement that she'd trade an orgasm in favor of eating this dish.  She wasn't getting much cock at the time and was very much in need of a solid fuck. It was a big statement given her circumstances. Also, a guy I know who frequents hookers during his global travels mentioned ...

Ratatouille Recipe

There is nothing hard about Ratatouille. This dish was originally cooked by peasants. The proletarians like their food simple, hearty and tasty. Just trust me as I am one of their kind. As a result, I don't think that there is an ultimate recipe for it. I'll just share what worked for me. In ratatouille the devil is in the sauce and everyone needs to find their own balance in terms of the amount of it needed in the dish as well as the accent of sauce's taste notes. Veggies by ...

25 Minutes Cranberry Sauce. Recipe

I only cook it for Thanksgiving dinners hence the proportions. Adjust based on your needs and keep the cooking time unchanged. Note to self: Perhaps do it more often and try it with some modifications for duck breasts and Magret de Canards.

A Tender Turkey Is Only A Few Injections Away.

When it comes to turkey cooking the options are limitless. I experimented with frying it in boiling oil, brined it in various solutions for several days, wrapped it with bacon, cooked it stuffed and hollow. I will never claim that below is the best recipe of doing a turkey but it made me stop experimenting. Each method has its perks in terms of delivered taste. A turkey, however, is a very cranky bird no matter how you chose to cook it. Dance around it all you want and still it can come out ...

Hollandaise Sauce. 15 Minute Version. Recipe

There are different variations of this Hollandaise sauce recipe featured all over the web. I am not claiming any credit for it. I do like more egg yolks in my sauce than other recipes I've seen prescribe. I also don't bother with manual whisking of the emulsion. Nandu Jubani for instance only does it manually. While I don't disagree with it - when I cook alone spending 10 - 15 minutes on slowly beating the emulsion is a very expensive investment of time. Something else will then suffer or get ...

Coconut Cake. Recipe.

Making this cake requires almost no skills. It has 3 main parts – a bottom layer, body, topping. Read my brain farts on this cake here if you have nothing better to do. The base is a mixture of nuts thoroughly blended with dates that serve as a glue. The topping in my case is melted chocolate.  The ladies in the group where I saw this recipe were suggesting to put some fluffy toppings on top. I sense why that is in their case but this cake looks much more elegant when covered in ...